Belle Van

P: 416-593-3961
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  • Called to the Bar of Ontario, 2007
  • LL.B., joint program with University of Detroit, University of Windsor, 2006
Belle Van Photo ©2024 Blaney McMurtry LLP

Belle’s practice is focused on intellectual property disputes and strategic IP counseling, with a particular emphasis on patent litigation. Her extensive expertise extends to litigating complex patent cases and has frequently appeared before the Federal Court and Federal Court of Appeal. She has also been involved in matters before the Supreme Court of Canada.

In her litigation practice, Belle brings a wealth of knowledge to the table and is well-versed in navigating the intricate landscape of IP litigation at every stage, including providing comprehensive infringement, validity, and freedom-to-operate opinions, crafting court filings, preparing expert evidence, and adeptly representing clients at hearings, trials and appeals. She has a proven track record, having successfully handled several pivotal patent law cases in Canada.

Beyond the courtroom, Belle's proficiency extends to advising clients on matters related to commercial contracts, licensing, and transactional work that encompasses complexities in IP, as well as providing advice on regulatory compliance. The scope of Belle’s work spans established and emerging technologies, including the production, sale, and health and safety requirements of regulated products in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and consumer goods sectors.

As a registered patent agent in Canada, Belle assists clients across diverse industries with their patent portfolios. She is dedicated to guiding clients in the preparation and prosecution of domestic patent applications, offering strategic insights into IP portfolio development and management.

Belle brings valuable insight and experience to her practice, gained in former roles at national and boutique law firms.

Belle has published articles in the field of IP, including exploring the implications of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence. Belle is also a co-author of one of the chapters of Canadian Patent Law Benchbook, a leading resource for Canadian judges in the field of patent law.

  • LL.B., joint program with University of Detroit, University of Windsor, 2006
 Practice Areas  Called to the Bar
  • Called to the Bar of Ontario, 2007






Pro Bono Ontario


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